Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Calling all Socks

Spare socks, too small socks, funny fitting socks? Send them to the art room!

6th graders are so excited to be starting our sock creature project. Every 6th grader will be creating at least one silly sock creature inspired from a book called "Stupid Sock Creatures" by John Murphy. You can check out his creatures at www.stupidcreatures.com.

This is probably the most loved project of the year. 6th graders love creating them and the younger grades love seeing them come to life. I encourage 6th graders to bring in their own sock (it can have holes but should be clean!) but I do have quite a big bag of mismatched socks that have been donated to the art room, in case they forget their own socks.

Mr.Wallace's class starting preparing for the project today. Each student must be able to thread a needle, overcast stitch, and tie a knot before beginning plans for their very own creature. They will do some planning before hand and try to take a 2-D sketch to a 3-D creature, but occasionally these creatures take on a life of their own so we go with the flow. Craftsmanship in a 3-D work of art is emphasized.

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